CrossFit Kirrawee - 220616

Gymnastics 22nd June


Warm up

Wheelbarrows and partner carry


Ring support holds 4 x 20 seconds



Handstand walking


handstand push up free standing or on wall



4 rounds for time

10m handstand walk or 20 shoulder taps

20 x jumping lunges (10 each leg)

10 x toes 2 bar or knees to elbows



Core weighted sit ups with partner

Perform reps 18,15, 12, 9

alternating goes with partner

Go heavy . Partner holds feet.



5 rounds for quality. 

4 muscle up transitions

8 overhead squats 40kg/60kg

200m sprint


7 minute AMRAP

30m Sled Push

10 push ups

10 deadball slams



Mitch Davis