CrossFit Kirrawee - 260816

A) Dynamic warm up

Circles, High Knees, Inch worms, Shoulder circles etc

Technique on Power Clean and HSPU efficiency.

B) With a running clock:

B1) 6 minute AMRAP - (0-6 minutes)

6 x Power Cleans (70/50)

6 x Strict HSPU *Scale to Kip or bench

B2) 2 minute REST (6-8 minutes)

ARE YOU CONDITIONED? (8-32 minutes)

B3) 3 Rounds for time w/ 3 minute time cap.

4 x Burpees

8 x HSPU *Scale to Push Ups

12 x Air Squats

*Rest remainder of 3 minutes/Scale to 3,6,9 if needed.

B4) 2 minutes MAX EFFORT for reps/calories/laps (record scores as an overall total)

-Assault Bike

-Double Unders


-Sled Push 

NOTE: Both blocks of work in B3 and B4 are 3 minutes in total. If you complete the work within the 3 minute block you rest the remainder before immediately moving to the next block.

You will complete block B3 four times and complete each exercise in block B4 once as a 2 minute MAX effort.





Mitch Davis