Veggie Oils. Yeah, or No Thank You?

Cooking oils

One commonly and easily overlooked aspect of health in relation to food, are oils. Specifically, Vegetable oils.

Why do we want to try and avoid vegetable oils? Veggie oils are highly processed, man-made substances, with the raw materials going through processes such as solvent extraction, involving petroleum solvents, chemical bleaches, and deodorants. Further to this, most vegetable oils are derived from genetically modified ingredients (GMO) and full of pesticides.

After some other reasons to consider avoiding veggie oils?

Ideally, we want a ratio of 1:1 omega-6 to omega-3 fats. Researchers believe that this ratio is optimal for health and immune function. But largely thanks to vegetable oils, the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio is now closer to 20:1 — far in favor of omega-6s, mostly linoleic acid, found in vegetable and seed oils. Over consumption of Omega 6’s can lead to inflammation and potentially down regulate metabolism through thyroid function, meaning if you have autoimmune issues, you should be avoiding this at all costs!

*Side note* Omega 3’s have been proven to lower inflammation.

Also, When exposed to high temperatures (cooking), vegetable oils are highly ‘unstable’. The chemical structure change of this ‘instability’ has proven links/studies to increased chances of heart disease.

Unfortunately, theses oils are found everywhere and manufacturers have thought up some creative names to make them sound appealing or ‘hide them’ from us.

Here are some of the most common oils to try and avoid;

Canola Oil

Corn Oil

Soybean Oil

“Vegetable” oil

Peanut Oil

Sunflower Oil

Safflower Oil

Cottonseed Oil

Grapeseed Oil

Rapeseed Oil


Any fake butter substitutes

If you eat out, chances are your food is cooked in (doused with) some type of vegetable oil. If you buy packaged goods like biscuits, chips or cookies, take a look for it on the label; there’s a very good chance that vegetable oils have snuck their way in. If you buy spreads, dips, dressings, margarine, or mayo, chances are, again, Vegetable oils. Those ‘Healthy’ Nut milks you are having in your coffee? a lot of them… Vegetable Oils.

What oils do we want to use for cooking & eating instead?

Coconut oil

MCT oil

Avocado oil

Olive oil



Check out food labels whenever you’re unsure. You’ll likely be surprised how many foods contain vegetable oils! Do your best guys. This is another little step that could move the needle to giving you a better overall quality of life.

Remember, we’re not striving for perfect, we’re aiming for better.

Get in contact with us if you’d like some help with anything nutrition related!

  • Ben.

Mitch Davis