Staying On Track In 'Iso'

Worried about Losing your gainz, or becoming soggy during Iso?

Here are a few super simple ways to help you stay on track…

Some of these new to you? Great what an awesome opportunity to spend the extra time you likely have at the moment implementing some new habits that are going to keep you on track or move you closer to your goals!

1. Sleep 7-9hrs per night: Ever notice how after a bad night’s sleep, you’re hungry AF and likely craving delicious, calorie dense foods? That’s actually a thing.

Lack of sleep plays havoc on many different functions in our body including our hunger hormones leptin and ghrelin.

2. Resistance Train: You might not have the best set up ever, but remember, muscles care about tension and resistance. Both of which can be achieved with your own bodyweight.

3. NEAT: It’s great to crush an hour long workout, but what likely matters more is what you’re doing your other waking hours. Stay nice and active. Work standing up, set yourself a step target and nail it every day! Get it.

4. 600-800g of Veggies: Total weight of veggies. So, think a Banana = ~130g.

A cup of spinach, 40g. Want to be more accurate? Use a scale (Way better than ‘guessing’). Make 200-300g of this target fruit! Most veg and a lot of fruits are fairly low in calorie and high in volume (not to mention micronutrients), keeping you nice and full whilst making sure you’re less likely to over consume!

Minimising hunger helps adherence!!

5. Water: Drink water like it’s your job. Lads, as a rule of thumb 3L+ , ladies 2L+. The majority of our body/tissue/organs are made u of water, so staying hydrated has a myriad of health benefits, plus, helps you feel fuller too!

6. Hit your Protein & Calorie Targets:

Set a protein & calorie target and hit them consistently. ‘What gets measured gets managed.’ Take the guesswork out.

Setting calorie and protein targets but letting carbs and fats fall wherever they may means less for you to think about and more flexibility in your daily food choices. Apps like My Fitness Pal are going to be a great tool to help out here.

If you're unsure about how to go about setting a protein & calorie target, let me know!

Some Bonus lifestyle factors that are going to help you out through this period;

- Having a sleep routine, including going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. Check out some previous blog articles where we’ve gone more in depth on some ways to optimise your sleep.

- Eat Mindfully. Sit down, without distractions, chew your food properly. Stop eating when you’re satisfied.

- Get sunlight on your skin every day. 15-20 mins will do.

If you need help or guidance with any of the above, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Mitch Davis