CrossFit Kirrawee 031016

Warm up






2016 CrossFit Games Regionals Event 2, 3, 4 and 5


In a team of 3:

For time (10min cap), team members will complete:

5-5-5 snatch 85/60 - 40/25
4-4-4 snatch 90/65 - 55/30

3-3-3 snatch 100/70 - 60/35

2-2-2 snatch 110/75 - 65/40
1-1-1 snatch 120/80 - 70/45

Rest 10 minutes then:

For time, team members will complete:
1800m run
60 OHS w/pull-up hang 70/45 - 40/25
100 GHD sit-ups w/deadlift hold 185/140 - AB Mat sit-ups 100/70

Mitch DavisComment